XYZ Line Tool Micrometer Adjust Positioners (Line Tool MLM, Line Tool MRM)
Introducing our version of a Line tool style micropositioner. This micropositioner has the same travel as our most popular model the XYZ 500, but with a wider base and cross roller bearings for better stability and weight handling. These micropositioners are intended for probing applications in the testing and analysis of silicon wafers, substrates, and dies in the semiconductor industry. It provides 3-axis motion with .500" movement on each axis. Motion is controlled by three micrometer heads available with .01mm resolution. Precision high-quality 440 stainless steel cross roller bearings allow precise linear motion on all three axis. Gibs and Slides are made of 440 stainless steel. Slide bases are made of aluminum anodized black.
The XYZ Line Tool Micropositioner with micrometers is available also in a left hand and right hand model. A general purpose micropositioner, it is used for industrial, medical, biological, semiconductor, and general scientific applications. There are many front end options available to adapt to various testing applications.
Specifications for XYZ Line Tool Micropositioner with Micrometers
Height: 4.20"
Weight: Shipping weight less than 2 lb.
Base footprint: 2.75" X 3.20"
Travel: X, Y, Z axis = .500"
Resolution: .01 mm per marking on the micrometers